Friday, June 19

East or West, men want the same thing, culture makes them behave differently


Joined: 16 Jan 2003
Location: in a world of hurt!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 4:14 pm Post subject:


Western men punch, slap and hug each other.

Korean men touch, caress and fondel each other.

Which is gayer?

I guess it depends on what you're into!

(not that there's anything wrong with that!)

No unmanly and unnatural social stigma against male intimacy in the non-West


Joined: 11 Mar 2003

Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 2:47 pm Post subject: Alright alright, let's be negative about korea then.
I enjoy the Saunas, and there are a lot of them in my town and in every other town in Korea. There are aren't that many in Australia or the U.S. or Canada, apparently because of the gay element. You can't open up a sauna in those countries unless it's part of a health and fitness club, because they will invariably be invaded by the gays. I guess the ubiquitus saunas here in korea are an indication of the menfolk being pretty secure in their sexuality.

Western heterosexual males are such queers!!!


Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 4:51 am Post subject: lose me when you use Mexicans as somehow indicative of
western culture. If Korean men are so comfortable with their sexuality,
why are they always asking me questions like "how do you approach girls?
..what do you say to women..?" Why did the middle school boys I taught two years ago spend their break times stinking their hands in each others pants..? Why do the US troops here think most KATUSA act /
appear gay? Did you read Hong Suk Chon's interview in Korea Herald,
where he said "there is a homo-erotic element to middle school in Korea."
He was there..and walks the walk. One of the few truly honest Koreans I
have met here.

This is man's nature!!


Location: Lurking outside Seoul

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 11:15 pm Excerpts from her post:

A male friend of mine once said that he thought it was strange that Korean men never really even seem to notice women. Korean or other wise. I have notice this also. I am not saying it is good or bad it just seems it is.....

Western women don't like the intimacy between non-Western men


Location: Lurking outside Seoul
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 11:15 pm Excerpts from her post

I have to say as a woman I am somewhat uncomfortable with the "boys club" here. I see grown men holding hands or draped all over each other or dancing together in a club. Teenage boys kissing each others hands and holding hands in the subway makes me feel a little wierd.

Straight men cheering men to strip


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 11:00 pm Post subject:

I was out dancing the other night with a group of new friends. Most of the women had sat down but the guys were still dancing. Then the DJ began to dance and strip off his clothes, all the dudes on the dance floor began to cheer and make cat calls...egging the stripper on to show more skin.

To me this was pretty gay even for Korean men, but that may be my repressed homosexual guilt showing through, NOT!

Non-western men are more manly

I keep reading here about how the "sensitivity" and same-sex affection of Korean men is a sign of some deeply seated, repressed homosexuality. Does this explain the same sex affection seen in almost all non-Western cultures? Mexican men have machismo, but they are also very affectionate and sensitive. The same with Cuban men.

In fact, it seems that the opposite conclusion could be drawn, and has been by some gender scholars- that it is deep seated homophobia that drives some cultures to eschew open displays of same-sex affection. And that homophobia is really driven by the self-loathing of people who fear their own homo-erotic desires.

I think that, in spite of all of the sexist faults of Korean Culture, Korean men are often more secure in their manhood and sexuality, and therefore are not threatened by being affectionate and sensitive, than a lot of the western men that I know.

This is just another interpretation of the culture here, and is probably as wrong as any other. My point is simply that those who see homosexuality in Korean male behavior are more than likely projecting rather than interpreting.

Negative or Positive?

Excerpts from a discussion on a Korean Job discussion forum. Western males talking derisively about widespread male intimacy in Korea, a non-Western country. But there are some good remarks as well.

Alright alright, let's be negative about korea then.

Fabulous original list. I am debating whether or not I can slap
that on my advanced class. Most of them are pretty humorless. Did
anyone mention the whole gay thing in in "no gays in Korea"
haha, but we love to fondle and molest each other..but , you know , were not gay..wink wink.. Korea Herald today had an article about "Korean
male sensitivity " (read: gay). That one really gets me. The fundamental
truth in all of this (highlighted by the comment about "It's a foreigner,
he's tall, etc.") is that there is zero subtlety in Korea. Koreans simply will
not allow it. There's is a world of the obvious, and then lying and deception to obscure the glaring inconsistencies.
As for the gentleman who feels slighted by being referred to as a
guest; for me , guest is the closest association I want with this shithole.
I tell people I got lost on my way to somewhere else.

The Perfect Love Letter - 1

Excerpts from the blog:

Anyway, while hanging out at Ravi's (he is no more.), next to VijayaMahal Talkies (it is also no more.), the veteran bummed a smoke from me and we got into a conversation. 'So, how's your girl?' he asked me, as he let the smoke drift through his bunny teeth. I was surprised and elated too. Not too many in my gang had any girl friends, I don't think they do even now. We were such losers when it came to women, it is not even funny. 'I don't have a girl, what are you talking about?' I answered. He flicked the ash off his smoke, seriously admired the ants that were busy running around on the ground, and whispered, 'You want her to be your girl, no?'
I couldn't confide into anyone in my gang. They hated women. 'Why do you need women when you have VCRs and god-given hands?' was the guiding principle of the gang you see. They thought a girl friend clipped your wings and exhausted your emotional, intellectual bandwidth. So, I was only happy to talk to the veteran. At least he admitted his unremitting, unwavering love for women.